You probably haven’t noticed but the past month has been particularly challenging for me. If you’re a close friend then it was probably apparent in the way I cheaply disguise my emotions. It’s not easy to look back at two years of progress in advertising and realize all along you may have stumbled into the wrong cocktail party. Once this realization occurs it creeps into all your thoughts and emotions to the point where you can no longer function until a change is made.
I can finally say a change has been made. A weight has been lifted only to be replaced by reluctant excitement. August will mark my departure from advertising. I’ve never felt comfortable in advertising and while I understand its purpose I struggle with its effects. So in the midst of my search for a new direction I discovered an opportunity to fill a void with an exciting group of individuals.
If your not familiar with the Kansas/Missouri area you may know them for their origination of an exciting Python framework called Django. If your in the business of journalism you may recognize them as pioneers of an online publishing tool, Ellington. Or if you’re familiar with the area you can identify them by their care of,, and They call themselves World Online and what better place to be with a name like that than in the center of the country, Lawrence, Kansas.
I’ll be doing the impossible task of filling the shoes of Wilson Miner who has moved on to some small company in California that makes a very ambitions music device :) This was a very difficult decision because I’ll be leaving a group of individuals that I have an enormous amount of respect and admiration for.
This insanely fast pace industry that we casually call The Web is actually a very small community of extraordinary human beings. We’re infected with curiosity and rely heavily on one another for direction and friendship. I will miss the Method team but I’ll always be available to them as a friend and colleague.
A page has been turned. It’s blank and ready to be filled with a new chapter.